GLOBEC in the Gulf of Mexico: Large Rivers and Marine PopulationsReport of a U.S. GLOBEC Workshop 13 - 15 January, 1999Report Number 19 January 2000
This is a report of a workshop on Large Rivers and Marine Populations held at the
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) on 13 - 15 January, 1999. Michael Dagg, Peter Ortner, and Jose Torres were conveners and editors of the workshop report. The workshop was sponsored by U.S. GLOBEC and by NOAA's Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR).
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Introduction and Background
- Detailed Workshop Summary
- Literature Cited
- Appendix I: List of Participants
- Appendix II: Abstracts of Presentations
- Nixon, Scott - Nutrient Inputs and Fish Production
- Legendre, Louis - Nutrient Supply and Structure of Pelagic Food Webs in Marine Systems
- Walker, Nan - Physical and Biological Processes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico as Determined from Remote Sensing
- O'Donnell, James - The Structure of Small Scale Fronts in River Plumes
- Hamilton, Peter - Shelf-Slope Exchanges in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Roman, Mike - Biological-Physical Coupling in the Chesapeake Bay Plume
- Hitchcock, Gary - Small and Mesoscale Processes of the Mississippi River Plume
- Rabalais, Nancy - The Effects of Hypoxia on Animal Distributions
- Mestas-Nunez, Alberto & Enfield, David - Potential Climatic-Induced Changes in the Gulf of Mexico
Last updated: 4 March, 2000 Please address any comments, suggestions or questions to: GLOBEC Webmaster